Finishing touches

Hey blog!!! I'm here to tell you some great news. I finished my commercial. Well, almost done. I just have to add a few final touches, and it will be ready to launch. I'm incredibly proud of the hard work and creativity that went into this project. It's been a long journey. I hope this edit will truly show who I was and who I have become. From picking the music to picking the picture to editing the video, the commercial has been a lot of hard work and hours. One detailed example of the hard work and creativity put into the commercial is selecting the perfect music. After careful consideration of various genres and styles, I opted for a song by a well-known artist. SZA has received multiple honors, including a Grammy, an American Music Award, a Guild of Music Supervisors Award, two Billboard Women in Music Awards, and numerous nominations. Additionally, during the editing process, I synchronized each scene transition to fit with the rhythm of the music, creating a smooth and engaging viewing experience for you guys. All that's left is making sure it plays as smoothly as I edited. I've played it 2 times after editing it. The first time I played it the pictures wasn't on the same beat. So I had rearrange the pictures and take some pictures out. The second time the music was not playing correctly and it felt out of sync with the visuals. So I made the necessary adjustments to ensure that the music and the visuals were perfectly aligned. Now, I am confident that it will play smoothly and impressively. 



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