Hey!! This blog is going to be about one thing that my group mates and I could've done individually. More specifically, our filming. There are some parts of the music video that only have one person from the group in them. The individual shots worked better with the lyrics and what they meant. These individual shots allowed for a deeper connection between the viewer and the performer, as the lyrics were portrayed more authentically. Additionally, it showcased the unique personalities and talents of each group member, allowing them to shine individually. While filming collectively would have showcased our teamwork, the decision to include individual shots added a captivating and personal touch to our music video. For example, in the party scene of our music video, I could've recorded it at home with my family instead of waiting to do it with my group mates. I say this because there are only 3 people in my group, and it wouldn't be authentic with just the 3 of us acting like ...